
WordTokenizer architecture

Following is the architecture diagram of the WordTokenizer class


Tokenization workflow

Here is botok tokenization workflow with an examples.

>>> input_string = "ཀུན་་་དགའི་དོན་གྲུབ།"
>>> from botok import BoSyl, Config, TokChunks, Tokenize, Trie
>>> config = Config()
>>> trie = Trie(BoSyl, profile=config.profile, main_data=config.dictionary, custom_data=config.adjustments)
>>> tok = Tokenize(trie)
>>> preproc = TokChunks(input_string)
>>> preproc.serve_syls_to_trie()
>>> tokens = tok.tokenize(preproc)
>>> print(*tokens, sep=f"{'='*65}\n\n")
text: "ཀུན་་་དགའི་"
text_cleaned: "ཀུན་དགའི་"
text_unaffixed: "ཀུན་དགའ་"
syls: ["ཀུན", "དགའི"]
senses: | pos: PROPN, freq: 2923, affixed: True |
chunk_type: TEXT
syls_idx: [[0, 1, 2], [6, 7, 8, 9]]
syls_start_end: [{'start': 0, 'end': 6}, {'start': 6, 'end': 11}]
start: 0
len: 11


text: "དོན་གྲུབ"
text_cleaned: "དོན་གྲུབ་"
text_unaffixed: "དོན་གྲུབ་"
syls: ["དོན", "གྲུབ"]
senses: | pos: PROPN, freq: 1316, affixed: False |
chunk_type: TEXT
syls_idx: [[0, 1, 2], [4, 5, 6, 7]]
syls_start_end: [{'start': 0, 'end': 4}, {'start': 4, 'end': 8}]
start: 11
len: 8


text: "།"
char_types: |NORMAL_PUNCT|
chunk_type: PUNCT
start: 19
len: 1
>>> from botok import AdjustTokens
>>> adjust_tok = AdjustTokens(main=config.dictionary["rules"], custom=config.adjustments["rules"])
>>> adjusted_tokens = adjust_tok.adjust(tokens)
>>> print(*adjusted_tokens, sep=f"{'='*65}\n\n")
text: "ཀུན་་་དགའི་"
text_cleaned: "ཀུན་དགའི་"
text_unaffixed: "ཀུན་དགའ་"
syls: ["ཀུན", "དགའི"]
senses: | pos: PROPN, freq: 2923, affixed: True |
chunk_type: TEXT
syls_idx: [[0, 1, 2], [6, 7, 8, 9]]
syls_start_end: [{'start': 0, 'end': 6}, {'start': 6, 'end': 11}]
start: 0
len: 11


text: "དོན་གྲུབ"
text_cleaned: "དོན་གྲུབ་"
text_unaffixed: "དོན་གྲུབ་"
syls: ["དོན", "གྲུབ"]
senses: | pos: PROPN, freq: 1316, affixed: False |
chunk_type: TEXT
syls_idx: [[0, 1, 2], [4, 5, 6, 7]]
syls_start_end: [{'start': 0, 'end': 4}, {'start': 4, 'end': 8}]
start: 11
len: 8


text: "།"
char_types: |NORMAL_PUNCT|
chunk_type: PUNCT
start: 19
len: 1